Li brocade, created by the Li ethnic minority on Hainan Island, has made its debut at prominent fashion designer Vivienne Tam’s spring 2025 show during Paris Fashion Week. Vivienne Tam unveils her SS25 collection, titled ‘La Li — Hainan Breeze.’ Drawing inspiration from China’s Hainan Island, often called the ‘Hawaii of China,’ Tam presents a line that pays tribute to the island’s rich cultural traditions. Paris Jackson, daughter of the legendary Michael Jackson, has opened the runway show which brings global recognition to the centuries-old art of brocade. Li brocade, renowned as an Intangible cultural heritage, boasts a history of around 3,000 years. Vivienne Tam’s designs incorporate intricate patterns inspired by the Li tribe’s iconography, featuring symbols of strength, nature, and community such as strongmen, deer, frogs, flowers, and dancing women.