New vector control helps curb malaria and mosquito-borne diseases
New vector control helps curb malaria and mosquito-borne diseases
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Nearly half a million children in the African region die every year from malaria. The disease is caused by a parasite carried by mosquitoes. There were 249 million recorded malaria cases and 608,000 deaths in 2022. This data from the World Health Organization shows that most of the burden is in Africa.


The world is facing one major challenge as it strives to drive down the stubbornly high numbers. There is a growing insecticide resistance seen in the mosquitoes that carry the disease. 


Innovative vector control consortium with new mosquito nets were coated in a new generation pyrrole insecticide in combination with the standard pyrethroid insecticide, which could cut risk of the mosquito-borne disease by half. This new kind of mosquito net delivered across sub-Saharan Africa averted an estimated 13 million malaria cases.


Different organizations provide international medical and public health humanitarian assistance for dealing with this issue. The WHO estimates that vector-borne diseases, such as dengue, malaria, Lyme disease and typhus, account for 17% all infectious diseases. The burden of these diseases is heaviest among under-privileged rural populations in tropical and subtropical countries.


To address the mosquito and fly needs, GX Foundation, a Chinese medical humanitarian aid charitable organization established in Hong Kong in 2018, has implemented a health education programme about prevention and use of mosquito lamps in 8 community-level clinics in Djibouti, across the north, south and central regions of the country.


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